Mumbai, the city of dreams, is indeed an enigma. The endless sea of tourists, the busy local trains and the perpetual race against time. It is a city that never sleeps, but is up and running at the crack of dawn, bracing itself against the unknown deluge of a new day. It embodies resilience; watching … Read more

Police in many states of India have begun using social media to engage with citizens, especially younger generations. Many instances of them using memes and pop culture references to spread awareness have emerged. Featured Image: Twitter account of Mumbai Police The views in these articles are of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the … Read more

India’s indigenous cultures are undergoing a boost in popularity, with their music, art, dances, and other aspects being brought to the fore. Featured Image: The views in these articles are of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institute.

Indians’ love for Ramayana and Mahabharata onscreen has now made way for Game of Thrones-esque epic films which are tapping into the country’s rich history and mythology. Featured Image: The views in these articles are of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institute.

————————————————————————————————————- The below piece is an account of Project Digital Heartlands, where we explore the creation and consumption of content in tier 2 and 3 towns in India. Through the study, we sought to understand the self expression of small town creators, their creative practices, their individual journeys and their overall digital tastes and practices. … Read more

Curated and written by Amit Bapna, Advisor (Content and Industry Engagement) for the Consumer Culture Lab. In the first of this series, the Consumer Culture Lab deep dives into the phenomenon called Brand Gandhi and unravels the layers of the DNA of this formidable and unusual Indian brand. We will be looking at many more … Read more

The word intimacy was first used in the English dictionary in 1632. Since then the word has gone through its own tumultuous journey. Over centuries, its meaning has evolved and branched out acquiring newer dimensions.  “Intimacy has traditionally been fixed in the realm of the private and the personal and viewed as physical contact within … Read more

The ancestral village of Kamala Harris, US Vice President-elect, erupted in celebrations hailing her victory in the US presidential election. The residents of the village have been showcasing a lot of love and support as they even performed a special puja earlier to show their support for her campaign. Feature Picture Credit: The Guardian (

With Diwali being just around the corner, many brands are making sure that they are able to add some positivity through their communications. We have put together a list of few interesting ads that are currently grabbing people’s attention

With the onset of Covid-19 a few months back, the world around us changed in ways we had never imagined. In one way or another, people witnessed almost every aspect of their life undergoing a transformation. Like many other countries, India too began to observe a lockdown from mid-march. However, India’s lockdown was much more … Read more

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