India’s indigenous cultures are undergoing a boost in popularity, with their music, art, dances, and other aspects being brought to the fore. Featured Image: The views in these articles are of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institute.

Indians’ love for Ramayana and Mahabharata onscreen has now made way for Game of Thrones-esque epic films which are tapping into the country’s rich history and mythology. Featured Image: The views in these articles are of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institute.

Curated and written by Amit Bapna, Advisor (Content and Industry Engagement) for the Consumer Culture Lab. In the first of this series, the Consumer Culture Lab deep dives into the phenomenon called Brand Gandhi and unravels the layers of the DNA of this formidable and unusual Indian brand. We will be looking at many more … Read more

The pandemic has forced qualitative researchers to pivot their methods drastically. The richness of contextual fieldwork has been replaced with virtual sessions. When the researchers at Grab switched to remote research, they had to overcome a series of challenges. In this webinar, they will review 5 key challenges, and provide an in-depth views into their … Read more

With the increasing penetration of internet and smartphones in rural India the last few years, we notice a substantial increase in people’s engagement with them. As the internet makes inroads into the previously untouched parts of the country, we also witness a surge not only in consumption, but also in content creation. A consequence of … Read more

In the past decade, a number of anthropologists have provided fascinating insights into people’s digital behaviour. People have been increasingly using the internet for a varied number of reasons such as to socialize, consume and produce knowledge, for entertainment, work etc. Moreover, the pandemic further accelerated our usage of the digital. Even in India, as … Read more

The ancestral village of Kamala Harris, US Vice President-elect, erupted in celebrations hailing her victory in the US presidential election. The residents of the village have been showcasing a lot of love and support as they even performed a special puja earlier to show their support for her campaign. Feature Picture Credit: The Guardian (

With Diwali being just around the corner, many brands are making sure that they are able to add some positivity through their communications. We have put together a list of few interesting ads that are currently grabbing people’s attention

With the onset of Covid-19 a few months back, the world around us changed in ways we had never imagined. In one way or another, people witnessed almost every aspect of their life undergoing a transformation. Like many other countries, India too began to observe a lockdown from mid-march. However, India’s lockdown was much more … Read more

With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, people’s lives across the globe turned upside down. Many professions and industries found themselves unprepared to adapt to this new lifestyle and struggled to find their place in this new way of being. Even for the qualitative researchers, there was an immediate pressure to adapt to this new … Read more

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