With Diwali being just around the corner, many brands are making sure that they are able to add some positivity through their communications. We have put together a list of few interesting ads that are currently grabbing people’s attention

With the onset of Covid-19 a few months back, the world around us changed in ways we had never imagined. In one way or another, people witnessed almost every aspect of their life undergoing a transformation. Like many other countries, India too began to observe a lockdown from mid-march. However, India’s lockdown was much more … Read more

Prof. Julien Cayla, Prof. Rajesh Nanarpuzha, and Prof. Tanvi Gupta spoke at a webinar conducted by IIM Udaipur’s U Forum on August 2nd, 2020. While discussing the relevance of thick data, Prof. Julien Cayla also talked about the genesis of his idea for the Consumer Culture Lab. Watch the recording of the webinar below.

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