Curated and written by Amit Bapna, Advisor (Content and Industry Engagement) for the Consumer Culture Lab. In the first of this series, the Consumer Culture Lab deep dives into the phenomenon called Brand Gandhi and unravels the layers of the DNA of this formidable and unusual Indian brand. We will be looking at many more … Read more
The pandemic has forced qualitative researchers to pivot their methods drastically. The richness of contextual fieldwork has been replaced with virtual sessions. When the researchers at Grab switched to remote research, they had to overcome a series of challenges. In this webinar, they will review 5 key challenges, and provide an in-depth views into their … Read more
With the increasing penetration of internet and smartphones in rural India the last few years, we notice a substantial increase in people’s engagement with them. As the internet makes inroads into the previously untouched parts of the country, we also witness a surge not only in consumption, but also in content creation. A consequence of … Read more
In the past decade, a number of anthropologists have provided fascinating insights into people’s digital behaviour. People have been increasingly using the internet for a varied number of reasons such as to socialize, consume and produce knowledge, for entertainment, work etc. Moreover, the pandemic further accelerated our usage of the digital. Even in India, as … Read more
The word intimacy was first used in the English dictionary in 1632. Since then the word has gone through its own tumultuous journey. Over centuries, its meaning has evolved and branched out acquiring newer dimensions. “Intimacy has traditionally been fixed in the realm of the private and the personal and viewed as physical contact within … Read more