Traditional Village Food Cooking by our Granny | villfood vlog | Cooking Indian Recipes

A novel addition to the booming #food #culture in #India, is the rise of indigenous #cooking channels. Challenging the status quo of renowned chefs and culinary stalwarts cooking up mouth watering delicacies in glamorous and well equipped #kitchens, are locals from quaint Indian villages showcasing the power of local cuisines. 

As the Lab traverses deeper in uncovering the dimensions of #digital behaviour in #ruralindia, we happened to come across one such video, that showcased the journey of preparation, diving into the intricacies of preparing the kitchen prior to cooking. This involved collection of wood to light the stove, thorough cleaning of the area as well as chopping the ingredients in a strange rhythmic motion. The conventional subtle background music that plays when the chef sautes or dices was replaced with the whistle of soft winds and the cacophony of birds chirping. 

What captivated us was the duality projected through the equipment, environment, ingredients and the style of cooking highlighting the dichotomy between ruralities and the urban metropolitan. The rusticity, warmth and freshness of the process translates into the food, leaving the viewer with a sense of longing and the remembrance of a long lost childhood #memory. Thus, beautifully encapsulating in no words, that cooking is indeed an emotion.

Author: Adishri Guha

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